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RF dungeons

Posted by PyroLancer On 8:34 PM 0 comments

Battle dungeons are small timed instance areas, but are unfortunately not worth their price tag at the moment. Battle dungeons come in two flavors: solo and group, both costing around 200,000 of your race's currency of choice. Both battle dungeon versions can be purchased from the Sundries merchant in each race's HQ. made by Pyrolancer (me)

To activate a battle dungeon, simply use it from your inventory. A gateway will open up and players can enter the battle dungeon by double clicking on the portal.
The solo battle dungeon, despite its name, allows for a group of players to enter. Each 'platform' of the battle dungeon holds high quantities of tightly packed level 20-25 monsters, none of which drop any loot. The goal of the solo battle dungeon is to kill 100 of the monsters in 5 minutes. The quest says "kill herodians", but all of the monsters in the battle dungeon count towards your total. Any character that can launch area of effect (AE) attacks will be of extreme use in this dungeon.
The group battle dungeon appears to be broken at the time of this writing (no reward given upon completion). The goal is to find and kill a Mater Brutal somewhere in the dungeon. The location of the monster is random and the huge clusters of low level monsters are still there to make it interesting. The Mater Brutal is a level 25-ish pitboss. It doesn't hit very hard at all, but has a ton of HP. Make sure to bring some high DPS characters with you, as this dungeon also has a five minute timer.
The reward for completing a battle dungeon is 10,000 currency to each group member that survives. With some quick math, you can see that, while fun, battle dungeons are currently not worth the reward. Due to the tight clustering of the monsters, you probably need to be lvl 30+ to actually complete the battle dungeons, but at that point, the monsters unfortunately do not give any experience. Battle dungeons, if not for the high cost, could be a good way to level shield PT for a mid 20's character. Perhaps the rewards will be bumped up in a future patch...


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